
Showing posts from June, 2013

The "Self & Match" System

I would like to share a useful system I have personally used for the behavioral growth of students with Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and Emotional Disturbance. Co-created by Katie Croce as well as my friend and co-worker, Jamie Salter. As an Educational Psychologist, I am always on the lookout for class-wide and individual behavior modification programs that are designed to benefit a wide range of needs. It is a rare occurrence that I come across such a detailed, heavily researched, yet flexible behavior system. I am lucky enough to work in the same District as Jamie, allowing me to be one of the first Educators fully trained in Self & Match. With workshops popping up everywhere and their manual now available online, I HAD to share this gem with all my behavior psychs and behaviorally centered educators out there. The "Self & Match" system is an   evidence-based se...