
Showing posts from November, 2014

The Move to Application Based Assessment

As School Psychologists we have front row seats to watching technology shape the future of learning, but how is this change impacting our scope of practice?   For students, several districts in the area employ the use of tablets for learning, and some have made the transition to technology so vast that they provide a tablet for each child. For School Psychologists, we have slowly moved away from hand scoring to computer based scoring, and even to online rating scales. Who wants to spend an hour half hand scoring a 150 question rating scale when you can spend 15 seconds running a full online report? There is no doubt that technology has the capacity to increase the efficiency of our jobs, but there is a big difference between using online behavior rating scales and creating a full shift to application-based testing.   There has been a lot of buzz lately about our assessment tools becoming available through an application called Q-interactive. Pearson assess...